Psychiatric Social Work
Psychiatric Social Work is a specialized type of medical social work that involves supporting, providing intervention and coordinating the care of people with mental health problems. Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) functions as part of multidisciplinary team and engaged in both clinical and non-clinical functions.

Psychiatric Social Workers are concerned with mental health issues, their causes, their management, their solutions and their human impacts. They act as an intermediary between the psychiatrist, patient and their bystanders in the treatment process. In BMHC Psychiatric Social Workers render services like; Psycho-social assessment, Risk assessments, Patient Counseling, Psychotherapy, Psycho-education for the patients & family members, Patient follow-up, De-addiction Counseling, Crisis intervention, Discharge planning services, Care coordination, Supervision of interns etc.
In the Dept. of Social Work, the social worker is engaged in both clinical as well as non-clinical functions. However, clinical functions formed a greater part of the work assignments as compared to non-clinical functions. Clinical functions included activities which were directly related to the treatment of patients, while non-clinical functions included activities which did not have a direct bearing of patients as such but were preventive educational and rehabilitative in nature.
And also given Internship training for MSW students.
- Psychiatric Social Worker is a member of the multidisciplinary team- working for the betterment of the patient.
- Should attend the ward rounds daily with the team
- Discuss cases- reporting improvements and interventions
- Coordinate the programs inside the hospital
- Provide psycho-social interventions
- Organize programs on special days and celebrate special events with other departments
- Orientation classes for the students those who are coming for their placement and supervise MSW students during their placement.
- Psycho-social assessment and render therapeutic interventions
- Psycho-education & counseling
- Discharge planning services
- Crisis intervention
- ACP- active care program (in order to improve the daily living skills)
- Individual & group interventions
- Focus on relapse prevention and motivation enhancement
- Creating awareness regarding mental health and related issues